How to keep your team motivated & put on
the perfect team building event
Case study: General Mills
Read about General Mills Bingo challenge show with The Big Smoke Events. Fast paced and lots of fun - read this and see what we could do for your team.
Case study: Expedia
Read all about the Expedia Ping Pong Challenge show. 5 rounds of ping pong challenges, trivia and loads of fun!
Case study: L’Oreal
We took L’Oreal to the races for their virtual team party. Read about it here - and get a better idea of what we could do for your team.
Case study: Kraft Heinz
Christmas 2021 was virtual. We ran several events for Kraft Heinz but one of our favourites was the personalised quiz followed by the virtual horse races. This was for the global team so we incorporated many different time zones.
Our Virtual Quiz event for Lucozade Ribena Suntory was a great way to bring the team together whist working remotely. We found out many facts about the team and brought them to the group through our interactive bespoke quiz. Find out how it works here.