Top 10 Tips on How to Network

No one is an island and you can’t be truly successful alone, especially in business. That’s where networking comes in, and it’s not just important for individuals, it’s great for businesses, too.

There are two types of networking: internal and external, or inside and outside. Usually, when we talk about networking in business, most people will think of the external variety; that is, making connections with people outside of their organisation. The benefits for the individual are obvious as these connections could lead to a new job. But it also benefits the broader company, too: it strengthens bonds between companies, shares ideas and insider news, and gives employees fresh perspectives and confidence.

But what of internal networking, when employees make connections within their own company? In some ways this is even more beneficial. It strengthens company culture at a time when it’s tough to hold onto staff. It expands skill sets, provides a support system, and improves morale, thereby boosting productivity and ensuring you have a strong and hardy platoon of workers instead of lone wolves who might leave at the first sign of inconvenience.

Yes, networking is something that should be worked on by both companies and individuals. Of course, not everyone is a social butterfly, so here are 10 of the best tips on how to network:

  1. List your goals

Before you rush out shaking hands and kissing babies, you should start by deciding what goals you want to accomplish by networking. Do you simply want to broaden your network, or do you want to make inroads to a particular department or sector? When you know what you want, it’s easier to start making plans to look for the right people.

2. Use online

Like it or not, we’re in the social media age and this is by far the most popular way of networking today. It’s also great for those of us who don’t do well at face-to-face introductions. There are so many guides to social media out there, so get stuck in. LinkedIn is your best bet for meeting other professionals and putting your name out there.

3. Be social

This either comes easily or it doesn’t, but obviously being sociable (or at least, having the appearance of being sociable) is a great way to broaden your network. What does it mean to be social? Say yes to events and gatherings, say hello to strangers and, introduce and make yourself available, even if you’d rather just be left alone.

4. Attend company events

You won’t get far with your networking goals if you don’t put in an appearance at company events. Attending awards, retreats, and mixers is a great way of meeting key people in your business or sector. Keep a track of not just your company’s social calendar, but related social events.

5. Bring a friend

If you’re having trouble going solo to events, then bring a friend. Ideally, someone who is related to your line of work that can bring their own experiences and contacts to make you look even better. It’s always good to not only meet people, but to introduce others. Just make sure that you actually do network; don’t just spend the event talking to your friend instead.

6. Read a book

Some people just seem like they were born social and know exactly what to say and do in every social event. Many of us do not. But that doesn’t mean it’s game over. There are thousands of self-help guides that can teach you how to make small talk and be personable, so if you find yourself struggling, crack open a book.

7. Always follow up

A great tip to make sure you stay fresh in the minds of those you meet is to follow up the next day. Whether it’s adding them on social media with a short message or shooting an email or text, always send them something so that they remember you.

8. Offer assistance

If you see other’s struggling or can lend a hand, always take the time to offer your services. If you make a habit of this and become truly helpful, you’ll develop a reputation as a dependable person who gets things done. Being regarded as a teamplayer will make people gravitate towards you and recommend you to others who are in a bind, and that includes influential people, too.

9. Give kudos

Whenever anyone in your company, or any of your contacts on social media, does well, hosts an event, or wins an award, congratulate them! It sounds obvious but it’s a great way to show that you’re happy for their success and aren’t the jealous type.

10. Volunteer for projects

Many companies now look to give back to their communities with charity events, and you should attend as many as possible. Not only are you doing something worthwhile, you’re also putting yourself out there as a charitable person, which makes you look good.

As you can see, networking has a lot of great benefits for both individuals and companies. If you’re a business that’s looking to break the ice between employees and wants to inspire a feeling of camaraderie and teamwork, then try The Big Smoke! We’re an award-winning events company that specialises in creating fun and personalised experiences. Virtual, in-person, or back to the office events, we’ve got you covered. Browse through some of our fun events and contact us today.


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