Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace
The Big Smoke is a passionate supporter of mental health in the workplace and we believe that team-building events like scavenger hunts can play an important role in creating the environment that allows all employees to flourish. As a result we thought we could create a special “Big Smoke supports Mental Health in the Workplace” initiative to provide employers and employees some resources to help create a healthy workplace environement and support our workforces of which almost a quarter will be dealing with some mental health issue.
On this page you’ll find a bundle of fun resources on how to support your team with mental health issues and of course we highly recommend topping it all off with an celebratory scavenger hunt that’ll help raise awareness of mental health in your team and bring everyone together as a supportive community.
This initiative contains an overview of relevant issues and some links to websites, to programmes and to research – whilst provided by Big Smoke Events in good faith as a useful tool, the reader must make their own judgment and the authors accept no liability for the quality, contents or otherwise of the websites, research and programmes referred to.
Supporting good mental health is smart business
Did you know that poor mental health costs UK businesses up to £45 billion per year?
Supporting mental health is part of your company mission.
More and more businesses are finding the importance of developing a company mission outside of generating revenue.
If your mission involves changing the world for the better, then what better place to start than in your own workforce?
Supporting good mental health is great for attracting the best employees
50% of millennials report having left a job due to mental health reasons.
Having an intentional focus on mental health can help attract the best talent.
“This was one of the best ‘team building’ exercises I have ever organised - and in company of 7 years I have organised many. My team absolutely loved it. Great fun, great ideas and enables you to get creative. It’s strange when there are points to be had that you suddenly lose all inhibitions and will ask all manner of people almost anything! Well organised with a fabulous award ceremony to boot. Thank you Fran and The Big Smoke - a memorable afternoon!” — Sonja Carey
Whitepaper Addressing - Mental Health in the Workplace
Download our whitepaper to learn about how mental health in the workplace can have a material impact on your business and how to combat it to create a more effective and pleasant work environment.